今天的星光3...我最喜歡的一首歌 要跟大家分享 也要送給我的寶貝...
以下是黎礎寧分享的不專業翻譯 呵呵

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Save me from myself

It's not so easy loving me 愛上我不是件容易事
It gets so complicated 你面對的一切
All the things you gotta be 都那麼複雜
Everything's changing 事事都在變
But you're the truth 就你不變
I'm amazed by all your patience 我好驚訝那些我讓你經歷的一切
Everything I put you through 你竟都能耐心等候

And when I'm about to fall 當我快跌倒時
Somehow you're always waiting 你總能用你打開的雙臂
with your open arms to catch me 在那等著抓牢我
You're gonna save me from myself 你將拯救我
From myself, yes 是的
You're gonna save me from myself 你將拯救最深處的我

My love is tainted by your touch 你的輕觸感染了我愛戀的氛圍
Well some guys have shown me aces 是有些不錯的人
But you've got that royal flush 但你就是我的首選
I know it's crazy everyday 我知道每天都這麼瘋狂不定
Well tomorrow maybe shaky 也許明日搖搖欲墜
But you never turn away 但你從不轉身離去

Don't ask me why I'm crying 別問我為什麼哭
'Cause when I start to crumble 因為每當我快崩潰時
You know how to keep me smiling 你總是讓我破涕為笑
You always save me from myself 你將拯救我
From myself, myself 拯救我
You're gonna save me from myself 拯救最深處的自我

I know it's hard, it's hard 我知道真的很難
But you've broken all my walls 但你已攻進我的心牆
You've been my strength, so strong 你是我的力量

And don't ask me why I love you 也別問我為什麼那麼愛你
It's obvious you tenderness 顯然你的溫柔體貼
Is what I need to make me 是使我成為一個更棒的女人、
A better woman to myself 更好的自我最需要的力量
To myself, myself 讓我自己
You're gonna save me from myself 你將拯救最深處的我

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